Behind-the-Scenes: Graduation Collection Preview Video

AWAKE for 24 hours.
HUNGRY for 24 hours.
No one should EVER forget about the importance of a perfect pair of shoes.

 Thank you Nicole Pastrano. You are FUN, HOT AND TALENTED. What more can I ask for?

Lights... Camera... (don't them stripes just turn you on?)

Action! (again with the hot stripes! foot fetish!)

I'm not sure if this necklace got stolen or what.  It just disappeared.

Part of my design thesis is the use of humble fabric infused with clean prints and playing with transparencies to create a new aesthetic. I wanted to evoke a certain playfulness and imperfection contrasted with the seriousness of the pin-sharp black and white stripes.

 This gown is now under surgery as she requested to have prints splashed all over.  She is made of fifteen yards of duchess satin but somehow the model made her skirt fly.

Here with my good friend MR (the D.O.P.). I was pretending to know half of the things going on behind the lens.  He's awesome in film production.  He also won Best in Thesis in his graduating batch in IAFT in Cebu.  In fact, he DARED me to win in my school which is partly the reason why I didn't invite him to my graduation show because I couldn't just handle the pressure.

Again, thank you to EVERYONE who made this VIDEO happen.  Although I wasn't able to show the video during panel, it was quite the first-time experience I'll never forget. I hope to make more of these in the future.