Dear Blog, I will never forsake you again.
And before I forget, I would like to thank the following:
My family for the unending support
The Ateneo de Manila University for the priceless education
The Fashion Institute of the Philippines for starting me off on the right foot
John & Paul Herrera, Aries Lagat, & Shanon Pamaong for inspiring me
My friends in Ateneo for believing in me
My friends in FIP for supporting me all the way
Mes amis à Paris, Shanghai, et Abuja for the wonderful memories
Anton Belardo for the wonderful journey in Mega
Geof & friends for keeping me "alive"
You have to learn the way to beat your path through to make yourself felt and make yourself necessary...
because a lot of people have come and a lot of people have gone. They just couldn't take the heartbreak.
You have to be fairly tough to withstand that.
-Grace Coddington